Aura’s Terms and Conditions: Guidelines for Users


To access Aura444 Login platform, users must meet legal age requirements and comply with local regulations. By using our services, you affirm that you meet these criteria and agree to abide by the terms outlined herein.

Account Creation

When creating an account with Aura444, users are required to provide accurate and up-to-date information. By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your account credentials and to promptly update any changes to your information.

Betting Rules

As a user of Aura444, you are expected to adhere to our betting guidelines and policies. These rules are in place to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of our platform. Any violation of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including account suspension or termination.

Prohibited Activities

We strictly prohibit fraudulent behavior and underage gambling on our platform. Any users found engaging in such activities will face immediate consequences, including account suspension and, if necessary, legal action.


Violating our Terms and Conditions may result in various consequences, ranging from warnings and account suspension to legal action, depending on the severity of the infraction. Aura 444  reserve the right to take appropriate action to protect the integrity of our platform and the safety of our users.